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WHS - A Day in the Life...

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a student at Woodlawn High School? Well, I’m here to walk you through what my typical school day looks like. As a sophomore, I get to see a wide variety of teaching styles and classmates, so sometimes things get interesting. I hope this list gives you a great perspective of what it’s like to attend WHS.

8:10 am - (usually cutting it pretty close) I arrive at school.

8:20 am - Get to my first hour class, Algebra 2, where we are usually greeted by a cheesy math joke from Mr. Deboard, and the Beatles playing in the background. Right now in the class we are studying the chapter entitled “3 equations and 3 unknowns.” The chapter teaches us how to eliminate and substitute 3 systems of variables to end up with 3 known variables, it’s a little confusing at the beginning, but with teachers like Mr. Deboard and Mrs. Hodge, it becomes crystal clear pretty quickly. 

9:13 am - Arrive at my second hour class, School Pub, which is definitely one of my favorites. In School Pub, we design hallway announcements, the yearbook, hype posters, the school’s social media accounts’ posts, this very website, and more! We always share funny stories in this class which makes the hour even better! Not to mention the fact that Mrs. Owens and Mr. Smith teach it.

10:01 am - Arrive to Mrs. Rapp’s third hour English 2 class, where we read really interesting stories. All of them have been pretty sad or creepy so far, but hopefully we will get a happier one soon. My second and third hour class are on opposite ends of the school, so I am usually one of the last ones in there. Which is unfortunate, because the desks are separated into two sides of the room, so when I’m the last person there I have to walk in between everyone and it is very awkward.

10:49 am – Make it to fourth hour Civics with Mr. Smith.  This is a very small class of only 12 people, but it is one of the funniest classes I have ever been in. Right now, we are studying chapter three, which we actually teach ourselves by making a group video project for the class, to explain the chapter in a fun way.  My group consists of Kallista Fitzgeralds, Morgan McMahon, and myself. We are making a rap music video, where Morgan wears a horse mask!

11:34 am – Finally Lunch! I usually go into the gym to eat lunch with my friends, but on Wednesdays, I eat in the library for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). Sometimes I use lunch to study for Chemistry quizzes. I know what you’re thinking, “Why would you wait until the last minute to study?” Well, I believe that if I read over the lesson before the quiz one last time, it can be fresh in my brain and ready to go.

12:07 pm – Arrive at Chemistry, where we are learning about elements, compounds, and their chemical and physical properties. Mrs. Coalson and Mrs. Hodge teach this class, which is awesome, because Mrs. Hodge is really good at helping with the hard math problems, and Mrs. Coalson is more skilled with the longer word problems and confusing scientific terms.

In the words of Hannah Montana, I’ve got the best of both worlds.

12:55 pm - Show up to sixth hour Spanish 2 class with Mrs. Kula. This class gets very interesting, because the whole class is made up of girls. Currently, we are learning how to pronounce words to describe time and food. Something I love about this class, is that we often get to learn with Duo Lingo, an app that helps you learn different languages in a fun, game- style way.

1:43 pm – Go on to seventh hour P.E. with Mr. Gamber, where we usually play a game, or workout. Right now we’re playing flicker ball, which is like basketball, but played with a football, so you don’t dribble it. It’s pretty fun, except when you jump up to block a ball and your hand gets caught in the commotion of everyone and you hurt your finger really bad. (That happened to me yesterday.)

2:31 pm – Lastly, I return to Mrs. Coalson’s room for study hall. I take this time to try and catch up on all of my homework I was assigned throughout the day. One of the best parts about being in Mrs. Coalson’s study hall is her squishes. She has a big blue tub filled with stress balls, and balloons filled with orbees, which are squishy little beads that expand in water. 

That is my typical day at WHS! I really love going to Woodlawn, and I definitely wouldn’t want to go to any other school. I hoped this schedule gave you a glimpse of what it’s like to attend Woodlawn High School.