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Presented By:  Marsha Garrett and Kelly Owens

Listed below are 17 Teacher Tools You Need in 2017:

ROE 13 Programs and Services

Writing Matters—  a professional development session that will provide educators with instructional practices to implement the Illinois Learning Standards for Writing.  The Illinois Writing Matters website http://www.ilwritingmatters.org/ will be used to facilitate the various writing tasks necessary to meet the standards and prepare for PARCC.  

Flocabulary - Flocabulary is a learning program for all grades that uses educational hip-hop music to engage students and increase achievement across the curriculum

PowerPoint Game Templates - Use these templates to create classroom games - great for review purposes!

PiktoChart - Have students create an infographic as a creative form of assessment

Concept Mapping - bubbl.usCreately | Lucidchart 

Digital Storytelling - Bookemon | Make Beliefs Comix | Storybird

SMARTExchange - Resource for interactive whiteboard users filled with lesson ideas for all ages

Adobe Spark - Online video creation tool - but it also allows you to create professional-quality social media posts and web pages

Glogster - Students create a multimedia, online poster that expresses ideas with ease by combining images, graphics, audio, video and text on one digital canvas.

Read Write Think - Provides educators, parents, and afterschool professionals with access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by offering the very best in free materials.

ArtsEdge - In conjunction with the Kennedy Center, reaches out to schools, communities, individuals and families with art-related printed materials, classroom support and Internet technologies.

EconEdLink - Provides a premier source of classroom-tested, Internet-based economic and personal finance lesson materials for K-12 teachers and their students.

EdSiteMent - Offers a treasure trove for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.

Illuminations - Works to serve educators by increasing access to quality standards-based resources for teaching and learning mathematics, including interactive tools for students and instructional support for teachers.

ScienceNetLinks - Is a premier K-12 science education resource produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. At Science NetLinks, you'll find teaching tools, interactives, podcasts, and hands-on activities, and all of it is free!

National Geographic Society - Education - Is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to exploring our planet, protecting wildlife and habitats, and helping assure that students in K-12 are geographically literate.

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