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WHS Student Council Sponsors Anti-Bullying Week

Image result for stop bullying speak upAccording to stopbullying.org, over 70% of all high schoolers report having seen bullying in their schoolsLet's help stop bullying at WHS!

Student Council  invites all WHS students to participate in Anti-Bullying Week during the week of Nov. 13-17:

Monday - Anti-Bully Chain -  Freshman Stuco members will be bringing slips of paper to your study hall today to have students right positive or anti-bullying messages on.  The freshman will then link these together and hang them in the hallways next Monday.

Tuesday - Random Act of Kindness Day - Sophomores will be distributing the names of all students in the school during study hall Monday and encouraging everyone to perform a random act of kindness for the student on their slip of paper.

Wednesday - White Shirt Day - Students and teachers who wear white shirts on Wednesday can have others in the school write positive messages on them.

Thursday - Stories of Bullying - Once again in your study hall, students will be given a chance to write personal experiences with bullying or how bullying has impacted them.  School Publications will filter these and publish the best anonymously on the website.

Friday - Cookie Kindness Friday - Seniors (and other Stuco members) will be bringing homemade cookies Friday morning to hand out before school to encourage kindness.

WHS Student Council appreciates your support!