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Friends of Woodlawn Athletics

Image result for baseballImage result for softballImage result for baseball

A fundraiser is being held on February 23, 2019 to help raise money in support of the construction of new wheelchair accessible restrooms and a new concession stand for the Woodlawn High School baseball and softball fields to share. Currently in-use are porta-potties that are not handicap friendly and a concession stand that is outdated and located outside school fencing. The fundraiser is asking businesses and individuals to support by giving donations. The estimated cost of the project is $16,000. All donations need to be made out to "Woodlawn High School Baseball." 

Wondering How You Can Help? 

Make Plans to Attend...

Friends of Woodlawn
Athletics Dinner
February 23, 2019

Tickets $50 / 250 Max Sold

KC Hall, 130 S. 8th Street,
DuBois, IL

Each ticket admits adults
(must be 21)
Pulled Pork Dinner and Drinks included
(Dinner starts at 5pm)

Cash Drawing, Silent Auction, 50/50, Raffle Baskets

Entertainment provided by the "Stateside Outlaws"
(Band starts at 7pm)

Donate to the Cause...


Gold Level Donation: $500+


Silver Level Donation: $250+


Bronze Level Donation: $100+

A plaque will be placed on
the front of the new concession
building with the names of
that donate. Names will
be placed on the plaque
according to how much is donated.


If you're interested in donating to the cause or have questions, please contact Scott Smith at 618-316-1437.