Online registration for the 2019-20 school year is now available for returning WHS or WGS students. If you register online there is no need to come to registration day. You may use the TeacherEase parent portal to access online registration. If you have trouble accessing or need a parent account, please call either school. (We are currently in the process of having our phone systems upgraded. If you have trouble getting through to the school, please email ehelbig@woodlawnschools.org, skabat@woodlawnschools.org or shays@woodlawnschools.org).
Fees can be paid online (with a small added service charge) or may be paid in person later. This includes lunch payments and athletic fees, just choose the appropriate fee labels when paying.
In person registration days will be held on 7/24 from 12-6 at WHS and 7/25 from 1-6 at WGS. Students may register at either building but WHS students needing scheduling assistance would need to attend the WHS registration day. Students who are new to the district, including kindergartners, must register in person.