Graduation Ceremonies
WHS and WGS will be hosting private drive-in graduations on Saturday, May 30th (weather permitting). Attendance is unfortunately limited to the students and their immediate family as parking space is limited. 8th grade and Senior parents have been sent emails with more detailed information. Additional information will be shared on Facebook as the event draws near.
Following each graduation ceremony on Saturday, the fire department will graciously lead the graduates in their cars around town in a parade so the community can congratulate them. Here is a map of the route they will take. They will leave both schools and head towards the subdivision first, then come back into town. You will hear the sirens when they start. After that, the sirens will be turned off so the graduates can hear your well-wishes. CLICK HERE for the parade route map.
For those who are unable to attend, the ceremonies will be streamed online. Community members can tune into 88.1 to listen to each ceremony. WGS graduation is scheduled for 3 pm and WHS graduation is scheduled for 6 pm.
For more information, contact WGS at 618-735-2661 and WHS at 618-735-2631.