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WHS - Hybrid Schedule Plan - Effective 9/14

Posted 9/9/20

After consulting with the school board in a special meeting last night, it was determined that WHS will return to school with a hybrid schedule beginning Monday, Sept 14, until at least the end of the 1st quarter. WGS will continue as normal for now with noon dismissals on Fridays for remote learning.

WHS Hybrid Schedule Plan

Group A: Last names A-L, in-person Mon, Wed; remote Tues, Thurs, Fri

Group B: Last names M-Z, in-person Tues, Thurs; remote Mon, Wed, Fri

*WHS will dismiss at 2:10 each day, Mon-Fri. (WGS will dismiss at 12pm on Fridays.)

  • Students with IEPs will be able to attend 4 days if they wish

  • Other students will be able to come to school by appointment to complete assignments, take tests, etc. by contacting their teacher.

  • Attendance - On Remote Days, students need to check in to TeacherEase by 9:30 am just as they have been doing. If a student has problems checking in, they need to contact the high school by emailing whsattendance@woodlawnschools.org or calling the main office at 735-2631.  

  • Parents of students with different last names will be given the opportunity to arrange for them to be in attendance at the same time. Please call the WHS office, or email ehelbig@woodlawnschools.org or sdecker@woodlawnschools.org for more information.

With kids moving from one class to another, and being with a different group each time, the number of students who had to be excluded from school due to contact tracing after a student tested positive was too great at WHS. We hope in the near future that WHS can return to 100% in-person learning.

If for some reason in the future WGS may need to go away from 100% in-person learning, the first back-up plan is the same as the WHS hybrid plan explained above. While we do not have any intention of changing plans now, if you feel you need to start making plans for WGS children with different last names to attend together, you may start calling your child’s school now so we can start working on those arrangements.

You may access a FAQ page regarding the district’s plans by following the following link. Return to School FAQ