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Woodlawn Schools

High School


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Educational Expectations

January 2022 - This article highlights the stereotyping and expectations related to the US public school system

Be an A+ student. If you get an A+ you will be successful in life and get into your dream university. You will be somebody. Study, recite, highlight, get a hold of yourself! Focus. This is the path to make yourself, your parents, and your teachers proud. At least this is what we are believing.

The act of succeeding is exceptionally difficult. The human brain registers success more than failure, even to the extent of rewiring itself to remember that particular accomplishment. However when you fail a particular task, it has no impact on the human brain. The source material for that conclusion can be found here. So, why don’t schools work more toward correcting mistakes and failures, rather than moving on and giving a student a bad grade? Why focus on the A student (who is quite capable of the work) rather than taking time to demonstrate key things from the lesson to the entire class one more time? 

Aside from flaws in the United States school system, there doesn’t have to be one path to success. There are a multitude of careers that don’t necessarily need a college degree. While pursuing further education is highly recommended, that doesn’t mean there are not suitable careers for you.