What's Today's Wordle?
February 2022 - Catch up on the latest trend with this article, highlighting a game that's got the world playing
The world has gone through many a trend within recent history- one of the new ones is a word game called Wordle. A British website created by Josh Wardle who lives in New York, he originally created the game for him and his partner to play. He was inspired by the nearly identical pen and paper game “Lingo” and the US TV game show “Jetto”. “I wanted to try making a game that she and I would enjoy playing together, and Wordle was the result of that,” he explained in an interview with Slate.
Now let's talk about how you play. Wordle is a game you can play only once a day. When you open the website, you will see 6 rows of 5 squares. This represents your 6 guesses of 5 letter words. There are 2,315 word possibilities. Say you guess the word POWER. If the P is in the right spot, it will highlight green. If it is in the word but in the wrong spot, it will highlight yellow. Finally, if it isn’t in the word, it will highlight gray.
With Wordle’s growing popularity, there have been several spinoffs made. There is now math (NERDLE), geography (GLOBLE), and many other word versions. Everyone loves Wordle!
On a different note, the New York Times recently bought Wordle for “a small number in the seven figures.” The Wordle game will move over to the NYT website and, according to an official statement: “... the game will initially remain free for new and existing players.” So you better get on Wordle and play while it remains so!
- Information from article found from this website.