District 209 Teachers Receive Chamber Grants
Congratulations to Erin Berry, Michelle Montgomery, and Michele Smith! These District #209 teachers were winners of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Teacher Grants. (Click image to rotate through gallery.)
Ms. Berry - "We have a new class that started this year called STEP. Currently we have seniors, juniors and one sophomore in the class. We have teaching and support provided by Becky Jones from Franklin Jefferson Special Education that occurs one day a week on a biweekly basis. The class is designed to help the transition from high school into the working world, college, and independent living go more smoothly. Students increase their skills in the previously mentioned areas to increase their ability achieve success.
As we teach the class the money is going to be used for resources we need for this class. Things on the list of purchases includes fake money to work with money skills, measuring spoons and cups to working on cooking and measuring, items to help with budgeting and bill paying procedures, groceries to fulfill menus that are planned and then will be cooked, and binders for students to keep resources and information in for when they are on their own. I am sure there will be many other items that will be added to the list of things we will need, but these are a few for now.
We are very grateful for Franklin Jefferson Special Education District starting the class and continuing to provide support and education to us as teachers, as well as students in the class. We also want to extend a huge thank you to a Legence Bank in their financial support for our new class."
Mrs. Montgomery - "My students have been limited in the variety of printmaking techniques they experience in Printmaking class because some techniques, such as drypoint etching, require an etching press for best results. So, when I saw the grant offered by the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, I applied. The JCCC awarded me $405.00 to purchase a small, table top etching press. The purchase of this equipment will benefit WHS Art students for years to come. Students will be pleased with the results of their work, and gain experience with an important artistic technique."
Mrs. Smith - "I am so excited that I was chosen to receive one of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce teacher grants! I am using this grant to order a new rug for my classroom in addition to some colorful and fun flex seating. Our current rug is not big enough for 17 first graders, so our new rug will provide them with more space to sit comfortably during carpet time. Our flex seating will be used for small groups and our Star of the Day!"