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Title Funding and Services

What is Title funding?

Title money is federal money meant to help students who are at risk of falling behind academically. The funding provides supplemental instruction for students who are economically disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet state standards. Students are expected to show academic growth at a faster rate with the support of Title I instruction.


What does WGS provide for students to help them with academic success?

Homework Help - available during lunch recess, and after school until 3:00pm. Parents must notify staff that it is ok for students to stay after school and that transportation is available for the child to get home if the student is staying after school.

RTI (Response to Intervention) instruction - Students at risk of failing to meet state standards are given extra instruction and tutoring by classroom teachers, the Reading Recovery Teacher and aides. For more information, contact the principal. 


What does WHS provide for students to help them with academic success? 

Mrs. Hodge is the Title I teacher. She co-teaches with the science and math teacher and assists students that need help during their regular class time. She also has tutoring sessions for any students needing help with academics. 

For more information, contact her at khodge@woodlawnschools.org
Prior to pre-pandemic times, WGS held a Family Reading Night with sessions for parents on the Title Program. WHS presents the Title program at its Freshmen Orientation. Homework Help times were extended. We hope to get back to our "normal" soon.