COVID-19 Resources
The following are resources for our school community related to COVID-19:
Woodlawn USD #209 Tiered COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
Woodlawn USD #209 Remote Learning Plan
Superintendent's Message Regarding Return to School Plan Revisions
District Test to Stay/Symptomatic Testing Program Description
District Test to Stay/Symptomatic Testing Program Consent Form
Illness Procedures for District #209
Illinois Department of Public Health - Guidance for Schools FAQ
Key elements of the guidance above that schools must follow include:
1. Any student with ONE COVID-19 symptom is suspected to have COVID-19 and should be diagnostically tested. (test or medical evaluation)
2. If any student has ONE symptom, all siblings are also excluded from school for 14 days.
3. Individuals with known conditions like allergies, migraines, etc, should be evaluated by a doctor on a case-by-case basis.