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Woodlawn Schools

High School


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TeacherEase Account - WHS

Interested in accessing your child's grades via TeacherEase?

  • For security reasons, parents CANNOT create their own accounts. Your child's counselor must set it up for you.
  • The parent/student provides their email address to the counselor (or school). The counselor (or school) will typically request the email address in a letter, at registration, at back to school night, etc. - OR use the link below.
  • The counselor (or school) enters this email address into TeacherEase for each student. TeacherEase creates a parent account with access to these student(s). Your email address will be your login when accessing TeacherEase.
  • TeacherEase will send a "welcome" email with login and password information to the parent. Once you receive this email, you should be able to login. If you haven't received this "welcome" email please contact your counselor directly.
  • The parent can then use this login/password to access their student's information. From the homepage of this website, click the TeacherEase button to get started.

CLICK HERE to request a WHS TeacherEase account