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Woodlawn Schools



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Cusumano Vegetable Bundles - Overseas Trip Fundraiser

Help our students who are going overseas in 2021!   We will be participating in the produce bundles through Cusumano & Sons. 

Pre-Order Options: 

You can pre-order through Cusumano & Sons online starting on November 9.  This can be done through email, Facebook, or by phone.


Students will also be taking orders as well up until November 15. When placing an order with a student, you have the option to pay ahead of time. If you choose not to and pay on the date of pick up, you will need to bring a check for $30 made payable to WHS or the exact amount.  We will not be distributing change.

Contact Mrs. Brya Scott at bscott@woodlawnschools.org for more info.