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Senior Parents - FAFSA Graduation Requirement

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  FAFSA completion is required for seniors to graduate.  So far, out of 43 students in the senior class, only 28 have completed the FAFSA at this time.  In addition, I have received two FAFSA Nonparticipation forms from students who either are going into the military or know they are definitely not going to college.

If your child falls into one of the above categories, you may complete the Nonparticipation form.  You may print it out, complete it, and return it to me in place of completing the FAFSA.  This will suffice as your child's graduation requirement.  

Questions?  Contact me at 618-735-2631 or lwitzel@woodlawnschools.org.

- Leslie Witzel, WHS Guidance Counselor